A Day in the Life so far...

9:33 AM

Life out here at the faire has begun to settle into a bit of a rhythm:

Most mornings we will get up about 8am or so; Finn is getting better about letting us sleep in a bit more. We will then take him out briefly, enjoying the fact that we can usually go out in pajamas, sandals, shorts or whatever (the weather in the mornings here is beautiful!)

Behind our RV there is a little trail that runs for a bit of the perimeter of the festival grounds. Making the full loop at an average walking pace is about 15 minutes and leads us right back to the giant parking lot we are camping in. Having this lot to ourselves during the week is great because it gives Finn a lot of room to run and play free of cacti, cholla and all of those other natural hazards the desert offers.

Everything the light touches....is ours!!
We will make breakfast (Alleigh has gotten really good with her smoothie blender and I’m a whiz with my cast iron skillet) and usually just sit and take stock of our day at that point. Of course, it is assumed that coffee has been flowing plentifully up to this point (usually the only reason Alleigh gets out of bed most mornings…)
We make the most of our limited kitchen space!
Fortunately, we are both planning types so we will sit and figure out everything we want to do. Often times we’ll run errands, find internet somewhere (Starbucks, etc.), hit the grocery stores or the gym. Our Planet Fitness Black Card memberships have already paid for themselves in free WiFi, tons of workout equipment, showers, massage chairs AND unlimited tanning.

As for the RV itself, there are a few maintenance duties we have to be diligent about. I try to run the engine at least once a week and we are always cleaning. Be it vacuuming, doing dishes, cleaning cat boxes and so forth, there is constantly something in need of tidying up. That’s one of the inherent responsibilities of living in an RV; since it is a smaller living area, it gets messier much more easily. On the flip side, that means that cleaning it up is no huge task either!

Towards the end of the day, we usually curl up with our entertainment system (Bluetooth Bose speakers, laptop or PS3 DVD player) and relax with our menagerie. I have been really enjoying using all of the many spices I’ve been getting and will often use our oven to make slow cooked dinners. Access to fresh produce here is better than any other festival in the country! We often can fill a cart with amazing fruits and vegetables for less than $20. So while in AZ, I frequently cook very healthy and fresh dinners.

Finn loves his new house!
Now that we have a bit of a rhythm established, we are naturally looking for ways to interrupt that rhythm. We are wanting to take Finn on more hikes, go visit exciting landmarks in AZ (Grand Canyon, etc.) and take mini vacations. We have to plan these things out well in advance because our social calendar is already filing up with music jams, poker nights, pot lucks, gaming nights and just friendly gatherings.

So that is life in AZ so far. Now to spend some more internet time researching some new adventure for us to set out on!

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  1. Sounds like a fun time, a good easy pace without being stressful :-) Glad you guys are settling in and it's going well! <3


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